ormets is currently running two government grant-funded projects aimed at making the order–supply chain even smoother and more reliable. The Lean project, which is getting a boost from the newest generation of digital production management, has reached a good pace. The project makes functions more systematic and reduces time and material waste.
Tormets started putting the Lean philosophy into practice a couple of years ago. Lean was originally designed for the serial production needs of the Japanese car industry. Correctly applied, however, it can also yield benefits for engineering companies’ piece-good production, industrial service, and end-to-end projects.
Lean is fundamentally about attitude, about getting things done. The basic idea is to remove all unnecessary work stages and focus on the work people were hired and trained to do.
“There’s no need to change tried and tested practices. But when we stick to jointly agreed written instructions, we can guarantee that projects will be completed in a controlled fashion and that every stage will be done in accordance with Tormets quality goals. When tools and supplies are always in the same place, time is saved for doing the work that is most valuable and sensible for us and our clients,” Chief Technological Officer Joonas Mykkälä, who runs development projects, says.
In addition to its own criteria, Tormets assiduously observes its clients’ and equipment suppliers’ quality requirements, and, naturally, current standards. That can be verified using the efficient Lemonsoft ERP system, where data, such as product information, production processes and service operation management, can be integrated.
“Our employees can focus on their actual work, and we can get machines and equipment working efficiently. We automate routine recording stages, reducing the possibility for human error. When an employee sees the necessary data at their own workstation, they don’t need a supervisor to come and explain them specifically,” Mykkälä says.
Digitalization leads towards a brighter future
Digitalization gives Tormets the resources for profitable, manageable growth. All data saved in the ERP system can be analysed both by the system’s own functions and third-party solutions. Real-time data provides a good basis for leadership and business development.
The Lemonsoft ERP system also enables calculation of environmental footprint. The analysis functions help Tormets reduce CO2 emissions and reliably tell clients, government, financiers and other stakeholders about it.
“Advanced procurement management functions make it easier to manage warehouses. They help us optimize material orders. That, in turn, reduces transport costs and environmental impacts. That’s well aligned with Tormets’s chosen strategy,” Joonas Mykkälä says.